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Whatever. Well… No. This is good news, Bennett. You are going to qualify for the state tournament today and you are going to win the state tournament. And you will go to Yale in the fall. But first, I have to compete in the debate tournament with a brand new partner whom I’ve hated my entire life. We all know who’s carrying this team. Goodbye, Mom. Excuse me. Would you…? We negate that the cost of college education is outweighed by benefits. We affirm the costs of a college education are outweighed by the benefits. That’s the right height. Look at the difference of the height. …indicates college graduates are more likely to earn higher salaries pay more taxes, taxed at a higher rate… This is our area. Get it out of my area. We’re on a team. This is our area. Without college educations, prospective employees will be ill-equipped… That’s why you must vote neg. Is anyone not ready? Our high school is inferior to yours. We’d bet you money, if we had any. We have no fancy research databases, no personal laptop computers. No debate coaches with national championships on their résumé. No, our debate coach works at Sears on the weekends because he needs the money. So the moment that timer starts, we’re already ten steps behind and are forced to play catch-up. Well, we don’t have to worry about them. What? Why not? They’re good, really good. This approach rarely wins. Replacing feelings for facts is not debate. The judges will see through it. Have you ever debated against it? Have you? Jania Santos. Want to hear her story? She was top of her high school class. Went to a fancy liberal arts school on the East Coast and graduated with a BA in European History. And guess what she’s doing now? Sears. She’s working at Sears with our debate coach! You know, what are these colleges really offering if they’re not offering careers? It’s bullshit! It’s bullshit! All I’m saying is how do we prepare to debate someone’s personal experiences? There’s no way to anticipate what they’ll say. No. We dismiss it as contrary to the framework of the debate topic and the judges will agree that what they’re saying is meaningless

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