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Are you all right? Property of the finder. Why are you looking at me like that? Cause you are a Selkie. I’m a alcoholic. Kiss before a night sleep had you? No, He..Is..Still out there some where. Oke, I am taking you home. That part about the husband… He is not mine husband. What is he then? My Pushtu.. (Pimp) What is that, Selkie for squeeze. Look, Your home. You will be safe there. You could sing your song. Who am I singing to ? To me. Go on sing, Let see this dance. I can’t, Why not ? Cause your drunk. I will be sober in the morning You can sing to me then. I have fished here for years, I never knew this Selkie stuff. Shouldn’t I be awarded?. I fished you back to life. Yes.. And now you are goinig to haunt me? Huh.. forever… What does haunt mean? Huh…What does haunt mean? You want some? Selkies don’t… Drink ? So… You are safe here, Is that right? How is Annie? She is fine. She is safe too. I got another bottle on the boat. Syracuse. What does haunt mean? Things what your doing… With me. Don’t do it. Syracuse! Syracuse! Don’t ! What are you doing? It’s not how fairytales end. But, this one does, This one does, It has to. What do you mean? What do you mean ! I mean, Your kind and mine kind. We don’t belong together. I have to say goodbye No, Way. To Annie. Syracuse. Hey, Buddy, Well, I am your buddy am I. Yeah…You are. You are my sobriety buddy Where were you last night. I needed you. You fell of the wagon? -..Big time.. Circus of fools. I was turning around the big tub. I’m back in saw-dust now. And it takes like shit. You know what my problem is, Buddy? You can’t take good luck. Ten out of then, Sherlock. Misery is easy, Syracuse. Happiness you have to work at. Why didn’t the tree say that? The tree is not going to tell you anything. What a bout the girl? Ah.. She’s gone. And Annie? She’s getting out today. I am taking her home with me. After that, There is no..Choices, Is there buddy. No. Why are you crying? I am not, Yes, You are I can tell. Maybe because you are back in the road again. You are home

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