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I guarantee you that today it goes down. Okay? Yeah. He’s chillin’. Sit down. Be gimbal! That was so, how did you do it? Let’s go! Mich can do magical things. After that pretty intense film day, we all decided that some relaxation was in order. So we drove off to Caesar Creek Lake in Ohio to spend the night. Oh yeah. Turn around. Turn around. Ooh! Oh! Oh! Aw, that smells so bad! Ready? Three, two, one. Oh my God! One and five. Who’s going to go first? Loser has to take some of that mud, and stick it in their mouth. You first, right? Mmm, no. Three, two, one, two! Two! Ya done! Yes, Jesse! Yes! Oh my, There it is. Yes, show us. Git it, git it! Oh! What are you doing? Oh my God, put your mouth in the water! It’s still on your tongue, we can see it! Oh my God! So I love free-running more than anything in the entire world. It’s brought me to places that I never would’ve expected that I’d get to go. And I’ve gotten to travel to so many different places in the world, and I’ve met so many amazing people through this. Being on tour has been the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life. And it’s not necessarily just the training. It’s the friendship, and it’s the going out in the water and throwing mud at each other, constantly playing the odds game with each other, and doing some really dumb stuff because of it. It really has been such an amazing adventure. Rob lost the odds and he has to shave his head. Here we go. All right, I think we’re good! On the outskirts of Chicago, we found there was this abandoned mill or something. Got graffiti all over it, we did see some security in there, and signs that say no tresping. But at this point, we are going to try to go in and scout it, and see what happens. So, fingers crossed. Let’s check it out. Hoping to get off some shots before we get kicked out. Ready. Rolling? Rolling! Yes! I actually got a pretty bad nail stuck in my bone, I couldn’t get it out of there, it was so stuck, so I just, how did I not see it? Ah! Oh, there’s security, we gotta go. He told us to leave, I don’t think he called the cops. But I’m not going to celebrate, until we get back to the bus!
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