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She said it was an act of love. Thank you. I think about her every ing day. I miss her. I’m mad at myself. And I’m mad at her for making me do it. Thank you. The lab results. It was indeed Fabienne’s DNA, not Sandra’s. I mean Sandra’s DNA, not Fabienne’s. We trust you, Bob. How could we have made that mistake? Twins have almost identical DNA. There’s a slight difference that can be detected now. Yeah, long live science. Find any names yet? I haven’t, but your kids have tons of ideas. They’re for them. They love them. I sent Emmy a photo. She’s so excited. Chill out, I’m kidding! We’re keeping them. Our new mascots. Yeah. Alright. SEARCHED ALL OVER THE WEB. FOUND NOTHING ON ALEX YBERT. MY ADVICE: THROW IN THE TOWEL. Louis de Nantier hasn’t been seen since this morning. His son is worried. It’s not been hours. Why the worry? I’m just asking you to check. She’s the best. The system was deactivated for a few minutes at : a.m. SYSTEM ARMED CALLING POLICE IN. CALLING POLICE IN. The best? It’s a pretty sophisticated system. So, either Louis de Nantier turned off the alarm. or someone who knew the code. Or maybe it’s a hacker. Who knows where the sensors are? I’m counting on you and your discretion. Mr. de Nantier. Ma’am. Goodbye. Right, just so you know: Louis de Nantier is a very rich businessman with friends in high places. What? Is there a difference in justice between the rich and the poor? I’m sure something happened to him. Maybe your dad took a day off. Him? No. No. He’s addicted to work, he always has been. And we had a meeting this morning to talk about the direction of the company. Speaking of, how is the company doing? Very well. Shouldn’t you be looking for my dad? I don’t like that guy. Bye. Hello. Easy now! I don’t want to hurt you, OK? Do you want some gum? There. Did you see anything unusual last night? The demons. came back. Yeah. Of course. But did you see any cars or a pickup? A pickup? A blue wagon. Yeah. They took it. Is that it? It took off. Yes. NATIONAL SECURITY IDENTITY CARD Anything? Street images, but a restricted view.
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