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I’m not a baby any more! You’ll always be my baby. Emmy? OK. Do you think I’m a bad father? I don’t know, I don’t have any others. If one day. If I saw. If you slept with someone other than mom? Emmy. It wouldn’t bother me. Now, hold on. I’m not saying that I’m seeing someone. Dad. It won’t make you a worse dad, OK? OK. You have ten minutes. Come. Are you OK? Raphaël ens and Marc Descamps. are despicable people. Billie. . Sam! Are you OK? No, I’m not. What we saw was horrifying. The boys. A girl who was barely ten. Stop. Stop. I shouldn’t have left you alone. It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault, Sam. Descamps and ens had many of the same images. So? They knew each other. Since Descamps had a fake pport from ens. maybe they shared images. Through a private forum or network? You’ve seen enough. Take the day off. Maybe it’s the parents of a victim. Or a former victim who’s grown up. Using vengeance as a release. That’s it! I have a private forum. I’ll send it to you, Billie. How did you do it? Comparing the time online with files sizes both men sent and received. We’ll get to that later. Are you in? No. It’s protected. Let’s create a fake profile. That’s illegal. Go on. A third man shared a lot of files with Descamps. Thomas Anders. I’ll pull up the IP address. Just get the address from the provider. It’s been ransacked. Try to go in, I’ll go around. Police! Sam! Sam! Sam! Sam! Oh, God. You can help me out. Is that OK? Not the arm! Oh, . That’s fine, thanks. You should hit the gym again. I’ll get by, thanks for your concern. And how’s he doing? He got quite a few shocks. It’s nothing compared to your scratches. He’ll be fine. It’ll be a while before he can answer our questions. Good news is that the killer had no time to delete the content. We can find out what he was hiding from us. Thanks, that’s a lot better. Sam, you shouldn’t be here! It’s fine. What? I’m cycling, it’s less dangerous than a car. There’s a malware in one of the files. What kind? A basic, but efficient one. It copies all personal info when the file is opened. It’s the video of the girl.

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