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Yes, boss. Mia… I’m sorry. Do you have savings as a couple? We do, Papa. Are you still paying for your house? Rad has managed to settle that, Papa. The lump sum he got from his retirement… was used to pay off our balance for the purchase of the house. Has Rod found a new job? He’s still looking for a job. You know that times are hard. It’s not easy finding a good job. Mia, why don’t you borrow money from your brother Henry? Ma, that’s not a good idea. My husband would object to it. What will happen to your family? No money is coming in, but then you have bills to pay among other expenses. We’ve had this discussion before. But it’s different this time, Rod. You’re in between jobs, and I have an outstanding offer. Mia, can you just give me a little mare time? It’s just temporary. Just to make sure we can make both ends meet. Besides, I’ve been doing this for quite some time now. The only difference is that I have to make mare sales. Hello! Mama, Papa, it’s Nanny! What? What happened? My father is in a critical condition, ma’am. I have to go home to Aklan. I may not be able to see him alive. How long will you be away, Inday? I may have to stay there for a month, ma’am. One month? And your father is in a critical condition? That’s a long time for a terminal case. I need to stay in Aklan to keep my mother company. Papa is the only one she has with her. I have no choice, Inday. It’s your mother we’re talking about. Just make sure you come back. It’s so hard not to have a helper at heme. Ma’am, I’m ashamed to ask, but can I request for a salary advance? Worth three months, at least. Oh, you’re ashamed to ask, you say? Can I give you a month’s salary instead? Two months, ma’am. A month and a half. Take it or leave it. If you want more, you can just resign. That will do, Ma’am. But that doesn’t include my transportation fare to Aklan. You’re really shy, aren’t you? Do we have a deal, ma’am? And you were sad earlier. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. You can cheese from a number of plans. It will all depend on your budget, of course.

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